Start your Lawn with Sod and Seed Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed!


Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Choose a high-quality tall fescue grass seed such as The Sod and Seed brand helps ensure you get outstanding turf-type varieties you can count on for success. Start your tall fescue lawn with the Sod and Seed Brand seed gives you complete control to create a lawn that perfectly fits your needs. Follow best practices for tall fescue seeding – from seed selection through post-planting care. Check sod mixtures for different coverage, each type of sod does use different amounts of seed per square foot. Then start your lawn on the path to outstanding resilience and beauty.

Dwarf Tall Fescue grass seed is a cool-season bunch species perennial grass used for parks, home lawns,  and sports fields in warmer parts of the country. Generally, this type of lawn looks similar to bluegrass, except with slightly wider leaf blades. Turf-type grass grows rapidly and has excellent wear tolerance, making it ideal for high-traffic yards with children or dogs. It has a rich, healthy color throughout the growing season. One of the most favorable characteristics of Tall fescue lawns is their low water use.


  • Heat, cold, drought, shade and traffic tolerance
  • Improved insect and disease resistance
  • Attractive, fine-textured, thick, uniform turf
  • Low growing, low maintenance lawn