Kurapia is a NEW drought tolerant and low maintenance turf alternative natural ground cover sod in California, Arizona and Nevada. Once established, it requires less maintenance and needs less water than cool and warm season turf grasses.

Establishment takes approximately 21-30 days (March-September) and requires regular irrigation. Once established, Kurapia’s water requirement can be maintained aesthetically at 50% of the evapotranspiration versus 80% for cool season fescue.

It has thick, dense growth, and is a flowering live plant.  It can be mowed for a more manicured look, or left natural (it grows to about 1″).  Kurapia maintains green year around in most locations in California except high elevation areas.

Kurapia’s sturdy structure makes it ideal for many uses such as covering lawn type areas, highway and freeway shoulders, rooftops, public utility areas, commercial properties, and landscape areas.  It can tolerate light foot traffic, but is not recommended for heavy traffic areas like playgrounds or sports fields.

Kurapia grows close to the ground and rarely exceeds one inch high.  Kurapia is a great option where you need a ground cover that won’t regularly get irrigated.  It is perfect for those strips between sidewalks and road ways or in medians.  Or, if you want a unique look different from your neighbor’s lawn, Kurapia is for you!


Curari Groundcover Large Image