
Kurapia is all full coverage sod, that uses up to 60% less water. It is a low maintenance sod for areas that do not have a lot of foot traffic. Can be used versatilely on slopes, and ground. It is a natural pollinator and a  preventive in soil erosion, and suppressing weeds. Thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is a deep rooting sod that when properly irrigated it will require less water. Does not require a lot of mowing but once or twice a month, unless you are looking for that natural ground cover look then it does not require mowing. Prevents spreading by reseeding. Mowing the Kurapia usually only occurs once or twice a month. When watering after laying down the kurapia, for the first two weeks you want to water 2 – 4 times a day for 15 -20 minutes. Weeks 3 – 6 water 1 -2 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes. After it is established you want to water 1 -2 times a weeks for 20 minutes total.

There is no seed available for this plant it is patented and created sterile ni japan meaning you can not create seed from it.