How to install

Greetings All DIY customers,

We served you a la mode a sod blend either by yard pick up or home delivery, and want to provide to you the recipe on how to install a perfect lawn. Here are the seven essential steps it take to install a lawn perfect lawn:

Install sprinklers

A properly installed and maintained underground sprinkler system conserves water by directing it exactly where and when it’s needed. Have your sprinklers installed and tested prior to ordering turf-grass sod.

Soil Preparation

Kill weeds and grasses with a recommended herbicide (Follow directions on herbicide*); remove rocks and debris; add organic soil amendment at a rate of 3 to 5 yards per 1000 ft²; rototill to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.


Work the soil; level and smooth with a rake. If soil seems loose, rolling may be done to firm soil before installing the sod. Final grade should be 1 inch below walkways and driveways. Water soil lightly just before installing sod. Spread area with starter fertilizer at rate recommended on the label (except in the summer – it create disease problems).

Sod Installation 

Begin to install your sod immediately after delivery. Start laying your sod along a straight edge such as a walkway or driveway. Butt joins tightly together, do not overlap. Stagger joints similar to rows of bricks. Use a sharp knife to cut and shape sod around curves, trees & borders, etc.

Water is Critical

Start watering within 30 minutes even if all the sod not installed yet, to prevent wilting and drying. Never… NEVER let the sod dry out and kill the tinder grass roots.

Roll your new sod

Rolling will smooth and level your sod and press out air spaces below the sod.

Keep new sod moist!

Keep your new lawn consistently moist, but not soggy during the first 20 days after installation. Do not let water pond. Until the roots establish, multiple watering times are needed each day during hot weather.

There you have it! Your new lawn is installed and ready for up keep.