Tips on how to make your lawn green and healthy!

  • Aerate your lawn
  • Choose the right grass
  • Improve your soil
  • Prevent weeds before they come up
  • Eliminate broadleaf weeds once they’ve sprouted
  • Cut your grass with the recommended cutting height
  • Keep your mower blade sharp
  • Water your lawn deeply and less often
  • Feed your lawn
  • Spot-train your dog
  • Reseed Sparse Lawn
  • Irrigate


Blueridge Bluegrass Ryegrass

Blueridge Bluegrass Ryegrass is a high-quality turf comprised of 80% Kentucky Bluegrass and 20% Perennial Ryegrass.  It is a unique one-of-a-kind perennial ryegrass that produces determinate-stolons that will spread new roots into worn areas giving it remarkable tolerance for heavy traffic with a rapid ability to quickly recover from extreme wear conditions. This is a dense, lush lawn that has a slightly softer feel and finer texture than Dwarf Enduro. It keeps a deep dark green year-round color and looks its best mowed at 1 ½ inch tall.

Perennial Ryegrass

  • Cool-season lawn grass
  • Fast germination and seedling growth
  • Used for permanent and temporary lawns
  • Good cold tolerance
  • Heat and drought tolerance varies by variety
  • Withstands light shade
Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Cool-season lawn grass
  • Suitable for northern lawns
  • Excellent winter hardiness
  • Some varieties are sensitive to heat and drought.
  • Limited shade tolerance
  • Some varieties are vulnerable to stress damage.

Celebration Bermuda Grass

Celebration Bermuda requires less mowing compared to typical Bermuda varieties. Has tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots that provide excellent sod strength, wearability, and improved drought tolerance. The celebration Bermuda spreads quickly during establishment and forms a dense turf that will compete with the presence of weeds when properly maintained. An annual pre-emerge program is suggested. The celebration is susceptible to insects that feed on the foliage of grasses.


  • Fine leaf blade
  • Excellent color and shade tolerance
  • Tolerates moderate to poor water quality
  • Drought tolerant


  • Uses:
  • Golf Course Fairways
  • Tee Boxes
  • Golf Rough
  • Sports Turf
  • Residential Lawns





Delta Tall 9010

Delta Tall 90/10 Fescue sod is one of California’s best types of sod. It’s a blend of 90 percent dwarf fescues and 10 percent Kentucky bluegrass. This combination makes the 90/10 Fescue able to withstand harsh weather conditions, meaning it won’t wither in drought conditions or fall dormant in the winter. This type of grass blends offers you a strikingly green and beautiful appearance all year long and does well in partially shaded areas, and scores highly in heat tolerance.

Features & Benefits

  •  Stands up better to high traffic areas
  • Adapts to shade, winters well
  • Deep-rooted, very little thatch
  • Good color, low maintenance


Tifway 419 and Tifway II are top performers on golf courses and sports fields. It has a darker green color, greater frost resistance, earlier Spring growth, greater sod webworm and mole cricket resistance, better herbicide tolerance, and stiffer leaf blades than Tiffin or Tifgreen. Like all our hybrid Bermudas, it is a drought-tolerant grass and requires very little water compared to cool-season grasses like fescue. These sod easily withstands close mowing and is very disease resistant, too. These Bermuda species are the best choice for landscapes and sports fields all across Southern California.


  • Recommended in high traffic areas and athletic fields
  • Quick recovery
  • Excellent disease resistance
  • Prefers full sun
  • Good color
  • Low maintenance
  • Thrives in warm to hot climates



Only Use the Best Sod Fertilizer to Fertilize Lawn!

Lawn Food 25-3-6 lawn fertilizer - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Sod and Seed Lawn Food 25-3-6  fertilizer is the best sod fertilizer for your lawn. Lawn Food is exactly what will make your Turf feel content with all the seasons. Use Sod and Seed lawn fertilizer to fertilize the lawn and produce the best results.  Keep your yard lush, green, and healthy!


Nitrogen(25) this help aide in blade color, structure, and shine

Phosphate(3) helps the roots to expand down into the soil and help it establish

Potash(6) helps provide energy to the roots to help with the absorption of nutrients, also helps sod durability

Tired of constantly mowing the lawn? Our Mow Free lawn Seed is your best choice!

Mow Free lawn Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed            

Tired of constantly mowing the lawn? Plant our Delta No Mow Lawn Mix for soft, deep-green grass that requires little to no maintenance throughout the spring and summer months. These varieties are also drought-resistant and easy to grow. This mixture is 29.82% of Beacon Hard Fescue, 29.56% of Blue rye Sheep Fescue, 19.97% of Compass II Chewing Fescue, and 19.88% of Orbit Creeping Red Fescue.

You’ll save time, water, fuel, and money while enjoying a deep green, thick carpet of low growing, fine-textured turf. Our Delta Mow Free mixture is the answer to planting a low care grass lawn in the cooler, medium rainfall areas, Northeastern US, and higher elevations of the Intermountain West.

Start your Lawn with Sod and Seed Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed!


Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Choose a high-quality tall fescue grass seed such as The Sod and Seed brand helps ensure you get outstanding turf-type varieties you can count on for success. Start your tall fescue lawn with the Sod and Seed Brand seed gives you complete control to create a lawn that perfectly fits your needs. Follow best practices for tall fescue seeding – from seed selection through post-planting care. Check sod mixtures for different coverage, each type of sod does use different amounts of seed per square foot. Then start your lawn on the path to outstanding resilience and beauty.

Dwarf Tall Fescue grass seed is a cool-season bunch species perennial grass used for parks, home lawns,  and sports fields in warmer parts of the country. Generally, this type of lawn looks similar to bluegrass, except with slightly wider leaf blades. Turf-type grass grows rapidly and has excellent wear tolerance, making it ideal for high-traffic yards with children or dogs. It has a rich, healthy color throughout the growing season. One of the most favorable characteristics of Tall fescue lawns is their low water use.


  • Heat, cold, drought, shade and traffic tolerance
  • Improved insect and disease resistance
  • Attractive, fine-textured, thick, uniform turf
  • Low growing, low maintenance lawn

Elite Plus (90% Dwarf Fescue 10% Kentucky Bluegrass)

 Elite Plus is one of the most popular grass varieties in the valley!

Elite Plus is composed of 90 percent dwarf fescue and 10 percent Kentucky bluegrass. Our most popular cool-season turfgrass! It exhibits an emerald green appearance. This particular type of sod is also very resilient to disease and insects and is able to withstand drought conditions, meaning it adapts well to the varied climates and soils of California. In the winter, Elite Plus sod also retains its healthy green color and it will even stay soft and green after rainfall.

Order Elite Plus sod from Sod and Seed and have it delivered to your residential or commercial property anywhere in California today. We’re the top choice for fresh sod and timely delivery services, delivery exactly what you need on time, every time!






DOMINANT PLUS Creeping Bentgrass Blend


Dominant Plus blend is a reliable blend of beauty, functionality, and durability for greens, tees, and fairways. Dominant Plus combines three bentgrass varieties selected for moderate maintenance requirements. Dominant Plus has broad genetic diversity, superior adaptability, and proven performance. Planting a blend of advanced dominant plus will enhance the quality of any turf stand, whether on a new or renovating an existing course.



  • Broad genetic base
  • Pointed tip leaf
  • flat and smooth in appearance
  • Ultra-fine texture
  • Dark Green Color
  • Excellent seedling vigor
  • Low in Thatch
  • Cold, Salt and Heat tolerance


  • Increased Disease resistance
  • Smooth, fast putting surfaces at any height
  • Increased fertilizer efficiency
  • Fast Establishing
  • Lower mowing heights with less scalping
  • Easy to maintain and keep in ideal conditions
  • High dollar spot resistance
  • Early spring green-up and winter active growth


An excellent choice for greens, tees, and fairways of professional golf course superintendents