Delta Blue Rye

Our Delta Blue-Rye is 50% Bluegrass Blend & 50% Premium Ryegrass Blend.  Perennial ryegrasses are known for their fast growth habits and bright green coloring, which helps it to grow quickly and rebound in high-traffic situations like athletic fields or parks. Ryegrass also roots quickly and regrows rapidly, meaning that it’s a great grass for filling in damaged areas and supplying a consistent and voluminous abundance of grass.

Delta Blue Rye 50/50 often seen in sports fields, golf courses, and other commercial properties that see a lot of traffic. This type of sod is great to have on any property.


• Grows well in sandy or heavy soil
• Dark blue-green color year-round
• Natural rhizome structure provides quick healing and uniform      growth
• Developed for golf courses and sports fields


Classic Dominant Bentgrass

classic Dominant Bentgrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Classic Dominant Bentgrass is also known as a dominant plus is a reliable blend of beauty, functionality, and durability for greens, tees, and fairways. Dominant Plus combines three bentgrass varieties selected for moderate maintenance requirements. Dominant Plus has broad genetic diversity, superior adaptability, and proven performance.

Choose Dominant Plus because it combines selected versatile varieties to create a turf with a broad genetic base and this broad base will provide a surface with increased resistance to Dollar Sport, Brown Patch Pythium, and most environmental stresses. Planting a blend of advanced bentgrasses will improve the quality of any turf stand.

Classic Dominant Bentgrass is an excellent choice for greens, tees, and fairways of professional golf course superintendents.


• Withstands extreme heat, cold and
• Superior salt tolerance
• Resistance to Pythium, Brown
Patch and Dollar Spot
• Dark green, dense and upright
• Reduced thatch production


• Smooth, FAST putting surfaces at any height
• High Dollar Spot resistance
• Early spring green-up and winter active growth
• Ease of maintenance
• Wide area of adaptation


• Germination is 3–5 days (6–10 in cooler weather)
• First mowing is approximately 21 days, depending on usage
• First limited use is approximately 6–8 weeks depending on


Classic Ryegrass

Classic Ryegrass is 100% premium ryegrass blend and grows from 1 to 2 feet tall with a bunchy form, and has medium longevity. This type of grass has a wide range of adaptability to soils and thrives best on dark rich soils in regions having mild climates. They do not withstand hot, dry weather or severe winters. They will stand fairly wet soils with reasonably good surface drainage.

Ryegrass sod is often installed at playing fields, homes, and other well-used properties. This type of sod is drought-tolerant and overall will provide a lusher, softer lawn if left to grow tall. It’s fine-bladed turfgrass that’s rich green in color and maintains its vibrant color when cared for properly.

Ryegrass is extremely popular for its wear tolerance and low maintenance and is generally more resistant to insects and most turfgrass diseases than other sod species.


A fine and firm seedbed gives the best results. Seedings on graded soil germinate readily. Spring seedings may occur in March, April, or May. Perennial ryegrass may also be seeded mid-August to early September. Seedings will vary with local conditions and the purpose of plantings. Ryegrass responds well to good management, such as intensive rotational grazing and fertilizer applications.


Classic Rye Blue

Classic Rye-blue sod is green all year round and classified as a cool-season grass, but features wear resistance and drought-tolerance. Rye-blue sod provides a dense turf with medium-fine blades that grow upright. Often grown as a winter cover crop.  The blades are lightly colored and have an overall glossier appearance. This type of sod provides a unique, shimmering look. Ryeblue grass is not well suited to Southern California’s warm transition-zone climate and is not suggested for inland valleys and other warm, arid regions. It is suitable for moderate coastal areas and adapts to a wide range of soils but requires moderate fertility and moisture. Ryeblue requires reasonably well-drained, amended soils.

Recommended Uses:

  • Residences
  • Industrial parks
  • Offices
  • Other decorative applications

Winter Color:
Green year-round.

Mowing Height:
Two inches high, mowed weekly.


Classic Delta Shade Blend

Classic Delta Shade Blend sod is perfect for your shaded landscape because it contains a blend of heat-tolerant tall fescues and shade-tolerant fine fescues that are known to thrive in places that spend as much as 50% of each day in the shade. Classic Delta Shade Blend is specifically designed to thrive on properties that are surrounded by lots of trees and/or buildings. This is the perfect solution to maintain healthy grass. Even if when the sun disappears, it maintains its soft texture with rich colors. It’s protean and adaptive to a variety of weather conditions, as well, plus it’s able to withstand the hot California heat and drought conditions. Sod and Seed provide this specialized sod for residential and commercial customers in the California area to ensure great-looking grass even in these difficult growing conditions.


  • Use on special erosion control slopes
  • It is deep-rooted
  • Doesn’t need lots of suns to remain healthy and abundant
  • Excellent heat and wear tolerance for high traffic areas.
  • Designed to excel in full and filtered sun


Classic 100% Rye grass (A)

classic 100% Rye grass (A) - Bay Area Sod and Seed  classic 100% Rye grass (A) - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Classic 100% Ryegrass is a cold season turf which, is used predominately in commercial, residential, and some sports applications and it will stay green year-round. It can be grown on soils where it is too wet at certain times of the year for satisfactory growth of other grasses but it’s best grows on fertile, well-drained soils. This grass requires heavy users of water and their performance is less than optimum during a drought or periods of extended low or high temperatures. It is also considered to be high-quality forage and their high digestibility makes them suitable for all types of ruminants.

5 Reasons to Choose Ryegrass:

  • 100% premium Ryegrass blend
  • Beautiful winter color
  • Specifically cultured for the golf course market
  •  Excellent for a close-cropped, fine-bladed look
  • Excellent disease resistance and shade tolerance

Blue Ryegrass Sod Mix on Sandy Loam Base A

 Blue Ryegrass sod mix on sandy loam base A - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Blue Ryegrass is a mix of Ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass. This blend offers lower mowing height and resistance to powdery mildew, fusarium, and leaf rust. It will stay dark blue-green color year-round and grows well in sandy or clay soil.

Baseball infields and athletic turfs are the favorite locations for Blue Rye. It’s a native grass to this region so it grows well, especially with proper watering and fertilization. In the Bay Area and near the California coast, Blue Rye can take a lot of sunshine. Plant Blue Rye in light shade in hotter regions like Sacramento and San Jose.

Seed Blends

Perennial ryegrass is suited for seed blends, especially when rounding out the numerous qualities of Kentucky bluegrass and fescues.  A thoughtful seed blend will thrive in a lawn and all the various micro-climates that can be within a yard. It is ideal to use a seed blend than to side with anyone particular grass species, especially if there are shade trees coexisting with sunny areas and other extreme differences in the yard.

Perennial ryegrass is popular in southern climates as winter grass and considered as the best cool-season perennial pasture grass. Perennial ryegrass is often overseeded to provide color for the winter season.

Benefits of Planting  A Perennial Ryegrass:

  • It establishes rapidly high
  • yielding with a long growing season
  • highly nutritious
  • recovers well from grazing, and tolerates traffic
  • highly digestible for ruminants
  • valuable not only as pasture but hay and silage as well.


  • Fine, Soft to the Touch

Recommended Uses:

  • Front Yard
  • Back Yard
  • Athletic Fields
  • Baseball Infields

Lawn Maintenance:

  • Good Winter Disease Tolerance
  • Offers Excellent Repairability
  • Good Deep Green Color
  • Requires More Water
  • More Fertilizer than Dwarf Fescue
    (especially during hot seasons)

Reasons to Choose Blue Rye:

  • 50% Bluegrass blend & 50% premium Ryegrass blend
  • Grows well in sandy or heavy soil 
  • Dark blue-green color year-round
  • Natural rhizome structure
  • Provides quick healing
  • Uniform growth
  • Developed for golf courses and sports fields


Blueridge Bluegrass Ryegrass

Blueridge is a blend of 80% Kentucky Bluegrass and 20% RPR (Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass) which is a unique one-of-a-kind perennial ryegrass that produces determinate-stolons that will spread new roots into worn areas giving it remarkable tolerance for heavy traffic with a rapid ability to quickly recover from extreme wear conditions. This is a dense plush lawn that has a slightly softer feel and finer texture than the Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue sod. It keeps a deep dark green year-round color and looks its best mowed at 1 ½ inch tall.

Characteristics :

  • Excellent Color Ratings
  • First-class Spring Green Up
  • Summer Density
  • The strong performance with low fertility and irrigation
  • Impressive Summer Heat
  • Drought Tolerance
  • Robust Overall Disease Resistance

Recommended Usage

  • Golf Courses
  • Fairways, Tees and Roughs
  • Sod Farms
  • Athletic Fields
  • Parks & Home Lawns

Climatic Zones

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (may not be adaptable to all areas within each climatic zone)

Establishment & Maintenance

Blue Ridge, requires 2 – 3 weeks for complete germination. Color may be observed before that time, however, in good growing weather where soil temperatures are above 65º F (18º C), expect 8 to 10 weeks for a complete stand of grass. Blue Ridge possesses good mowing qualities and can be maintained at cutting a cutting height ranging from 1 1/2 inch to 2 inches (36 – 50 mm). The first mowing may be expected in about six weeks. Blue Ridge does well in sand or heavy clay soils and performs best in soils with a pH of 5.5 to 8. Three to five pounds N per 1,000 square feet per year is adequate in most areas of the United States. However, because of blue Ridge’s dark genetic color, lower fertilizer rates may produce an acceptable color.

Seeding Rates

  • 100 lbs per acre for Sod Farms and Golf Fairways
  • 80-100 lbs per acre for Athletic Fields and Parks
  • 2-3 lbs per 1000 sq.ft for Gold Tees and Home Lawns





Bolero Dwarf Fescue

Bolero Dwarf Fescue has a fine bluegrass-like texture. It is more drought and heat tolerant than the bluegrasses. It has excellent disease resistance. It has a beautiful dark blue-green winter color and is slower growing requiring fewer cuttings.


  • Plant type: Ground cover, Grass

  • Leaf color: Dark Green

  • Height range: Under 1′

  • Width range: 3-6′

  • Sun: Full, Half

  • Water: Medium, Extra in Summer

  • Soil type: Sandy, Loam

  • Soil PH: Neutral

  • Soil condition: Rich, Well-drained

  • Growth rate: Fast

  • USDA zones: 7, 8, 9, 11

  • Designs styles: English Cottage, Formal, Meadow

  • Seasonal interest: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

  • The location uses: Entry, Lawn, Parking Strip, Patio, Park, Parking Lot, Walkways, With Rocks

  • Special uses: Mass Planting

Installation and Care

Remove Old Lawn: Remove all unnecessary objects such as rocks, weeds, debris, and old lawn from the area you will be sodding. A shovel or sod-cutter may help in removing your old lawn.

Soil Preparation: Soil Preparation: Use a spade or rototiller, loosen your soil to a depth of 6″ to 8″ and add soil amendments specific to your soil type. We can aid you in determining the proper amendment. Rototilling your soil ameliorate aeration while soil amendments retain soil moisture. Sprinklers should be installed to ensure uniform, head-to-head coverage.

Raking, Grading, and Rolling:  Raked and rolled the soil as smoothly as possible. Fill the lawn roller completely to break up soil clods. rake and roll your lawn area 3 times: lengthwise, width-wise and diagonally to ensure a level surface. The final grade should be 1″ below the sidewalk and edging to accommodate sod thickness. A thorough watering should be done two days prior to sod installation.


Bolero Plus dwarf fescue and Bluegrass

Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue and Bluegrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Bolero Plus dwarf fescue and Bluegrass is comprised of 90% insignia dwarf growing tall fescue and 10% ridge line Kentucky bluegrass. This unique feature is unmatched by many other tall fescues commercially available. It has excellent overall disease resistance and exhibits outstanding tolerance to heat, drought, and summer stress. And has outstanding winter hardiness and deep green color.  Harbors great strength and can be used whenever tall fescue is adapted to provide high quality, tough, durable turf surface. Low maintenance and easy to manage. Normally it requires just 4 to 6 pounds of actual N per 1,000 square feet to keep the plants dark green and healthy. Fall fertilization is best and avoids excessive fertilization and irrigation during the hot summer months. Use Sod and Seed Lawn Food 25-3-6 fertilizer.  It is important to have a higher Nitrogen level and lower Phosphate and Potash, this combo helps turf perk up again.


  • home lawns
  • commercial lawns
  • sod production
  • parks
  • playgrounds
  • athletic fields