Classic Ryegrass

Classic Ryegrass is 100% premium ryegrass blend and grows from 1 to 2 feet tall with a bunchy form, and has medium longevity. This type of grass has a wide range of adaptability to soils and thrives best on dark rich soils in regions having mild climates. They do not withstand hot, dry weather or severe winters. They will stand fairly wet soils with reasonably good surface drainage.

Ryegrass sod is often installed at playing fields, homes, and other well-used properties. This type of sod is drought-tolerant and overall will provide a lusher, softer lawn if left to grow tall. It’s fine-bladed turfgrass that’s rich green in color and maintains its vibrant color when cared for properly.

Ryegrass is extremely popular for its wear tolerance and low maintenance and is generally more resistant to insects and most turfgrass diseases than other sod species.


A fine and firm seedbed gives the best results. Seedings on graded soil germinate readily. Spring seedings may occur in March, April, or May. Perennial ryegrass may also be seeded mid-August to early September. Seedings will vary with local conditions and the purpose of plantings. Ryegrass responds well to good management, such as intensive rotational grazing and fertilizer applications.