Turn to the professionals at Sod and Seed a Northern California based lawn delivery company for exceptional sodding services. Our quality sod will definitely make your lawn look healthier and greener.
Turn to the professionals at Sod and Seed a Northern California based lawn delivery company for exceptional sodding services. Our quality sod will definitely make your lawn look healthier and greener.
Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue is a mixture of 90% Dwarf Tall Fescue and 10% Bluegrass. Enduro is a new generation of sod that provides a darker green color, finer texture, and lower growth while keeping the hardy nature and lower water needs of its original ancestors. Enduro is an excellent lawn for both home and commercial landscapes. Enduro is a wise choice for traffic or high wear areas. Excellent lawn for both home and commercial landscapes and is the best choice for traffic or high wear areas. This type of fescue is best suitable for California’s Northern and Central Coast areas.
residential, commercial, industrial, playgrounds, parks, golf courses, and athletic fields.
West Coast Turf’s Hillside Fine Fescue is low maintenance, cool-season turfgrass. This fine fescue is a three-way blend of Navigation II creeping red fescue, Heron hard fescue, and Radar chewings fescue. When mixed together, these three fine-leafed fescues provide a dense, low growing, fine-textured turf with low fertility requirements. In cooler temperate climates, fine fescues perform well in full sun to the moderately heavy shade while in warmer transition climates, they perform best when shaded from the heat of the afternoon sun. Hillside fine fescue can endure a broad range of mowing heights and when left un-mowed, it takes on a beautiful natural look.
Latitude 36 Bermuda is a beautiful turf grass that is cold tolerant and will maintain its green color far better than other Bermuda varieties. It has a very good resistance against spring dead spot and leaf spot and withstands low temperatures. It has fantastic wear tolerance, rapid divot recovery, and low water requirements. It is very flexible and has a very fine blade texture. At the same time, it has a very high tolerance to transfer and an exceptionally attractive image. It is ideal for the hot areas in the south and the climatological transition.
Kurapia is known as a drought-tolerant and low maintenance turf alternative natural ground cover sod in California. It is a low growing, herbaceous, perennial dicot groundcover belonging to the Verbenaceae or Verbena family. Kurapia works well to cover highway and freeway shoulders, rooftops, public utility areas, commercial properties, and solar farm landscapes. Also, it can serve as a lawn substitute that can take some traffic, and it can be mowed. It is commonly used in water gardens and for habitat restorations and it’s very adaptable, suitable in both wet and dry locations.
Native alternative Biofiltration Sod is a mix Purple needlegrass – Nasella pulchra Molate fescue – Festuca rubra California barley – Hordeum californicum Meadow barley – Hordeum brachyantherum. A combination of dryland and wetland species that can tolerate drought conditions and limited amounts of standing water. Biofiltration Sod will remain healthy in all types of conditions through each and every season regardless of extreme heat and sun to drought conditions and cool winters. It is commonly used for roadsides, bio-swales, and other protected environments. This blend has a natural ability to filter groundwater, making it suitable for areas that require natural weed barriers, as well as erosion blockades and filtration. If you want a grass that can withstand extreme weather conditions, reduces soil erosion, recharges and purifies groundwater, and promotes water retention, then Biofiltration Sod is what you need.
Penncross Bentgrass is a super thin-bladed, very dense grass and its texture is very similar to carpet, which is why it’s considered as the perfect choice for golf and bowling greens. This type of sod has an aggressive growth pattern which contributes to the high traffic tolerance of this grass. It is known to be the most beautiful of grasses with a tight, upright growth characteristic and a fine leaf texture. Penncross Bentgrass has a deep blueish-green color, thick density, low growing habit and is considered a luxury cool-season grass.
Ideal For: Golf Courses (fairways, tees, and greens), Residential Lawns, Winter overseeding of Bermudagrass Greens.
Shade Tolerance: High
Sunlight Required: 4 hours
Drought Tolerance: High
Traffic Tolerance: Excellent
Frost Tolerance:Good
Native Preservation Mix is a mixture of junegrass, purple, and nodding needlegrass and molate fescue. It has a dark green color with fine leaf texture, works best on slopes, and for riparian and restoration uses but is not suitable for dogs, parks or urban landscapes. This sod naturally performs well in California’s weather and soil. As a native blend, this grass remains healthy and adapts to different soils in a variety of environmental conditions easily. This particular type of sod also won’t fade or whither in the dry summers or go dormant during cold winters. In fact, this hardy grass can grow in nearly any area! Withstands full sun and will tolerate partial shade. Naturally drought resistant.
Native Mow Free is a versatile grass, low maintenance providing the option to mow or leave the area natural to create a meadow-like appearance. This blend is designed for areas that receive up to 50% daily shade. A low maintenance compliment to natural landscapes.