Looking for a way to green up your lawn and keep it that way for longer?

Fertilization is an important lawn care practice as it helps prevent weed invasions and disease. It influences grass color, and the ability to recover from stress.  A thick, healthy lawn creates a natural resistance to weed growth. Lawn fertilization will also strengthen the root system of your grass, allowing it to absorb water quickly during heavy rains.  Over time, your soil will naturally lose many of the important nutrients it needs to survive. Fertilizer replaces and replenishes the essentials your lawn needs for a great look.

Sod and Seed offer the best quality fertilizer for your lawn! This product is called Lawn Food 25-3-6  fertilizer and has the perfect blend to make your lawn satisfied with its meal. When it comes to turf that’s already established its important to have a higher Nitrogen level and lower Phosphate and Potash, this combo helps turf perk up again. Lawn Food is exactly what will make your Turf feel content with all the seasons.

Advantages of using Lawn food 25-3-6 fertilizer:

Lawn Food 25-3-6 lawn fertilizer - Bay Area Sod and Seed

  • Quick response (greening)
  • Provide nitrogen when soils are cold
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • More uniform grass growth
  • Not likely to burn grass
  • Losses through soil or airless likely


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Why should a client choose Sod and Seed?


We provide high-quality sod blends, lawns, turf, and alternative land covering options at wholesale prices, We have different types of sod and we can help you decide which blend is the best to suit your landscaping needs. We also provide sports turf and standard blends.

Our Approach

To us, it’s not just work – we take pride in the sod we deliver. We encourage each other to achieve excellence in all endeavors and assure that our clients will be satisfied with our work and products.

Our Attitude

We work as a team. We are a team of down-to-earth farmers and landscapers.

Customer service

Employees are friendly, knowledgeable, and quick to respond. You love the way we treat you.

Our experience

Sod and Seed have over 5 years of sod and lawn installation. To date, we have successfully completed over 300 projects including landscaping and lawn installation. We can deliver anywhere in Northern California.


Fresh from the farm. We provide high-quality sod blends, lawns, turf, and alternative land covering options at wholesale prices. 

Our Support

We are not a flash-in-the-pan company.  Today, Tomorrow, we will be here for you, years from now.

At Sod and Seed, we take all of your inquiries seriously, where we will answer all calls, return emails, and even text for your lawn needs.

We offer standard, office-based support, available from 7 AM to 7 PM Monday to Saturday; that said, we are a no-nonsense team and will always respond promptly when you need us.

So, let’s get started…

Send us an email at sodandseed@gmail.com  to get your project rolling today. We know you won’t be disappointed.

Phone: (925) 435-7874

Direct line: (925)594-3451

Address:  3518 Clayton Road, Concord CA


Sod and Seed Products



Celebration is a hybrid bermuda that is sod dense. It is a soft textured sod with a beautiful dark blue-green color. Golf fairways and athletic areas are best for the Celebration. This bermuda hybrid is drought and disease tolerate. Though it goes dormant in the winter time this sod is shade tolerate. Rhizomes help a speedy recovery from wear and tear.

Delta Grassland Mix


A premium soft grass Native that is composed of Junegrass, Slender hairgrass and Molate fescues. It has an emerald green color that tolerates moderate wear, when placed in roof top gardens or ornamental gardens it gives off an European look. The Grassland Mix is a slow growing clumping grass that persists under drought conditions and prefers partial shade to full sun.


Delta Tall Fescue 9010


Tall Fescue and Blue grass is our number one seller due to its tolerance to high foot traffic and dogs. This sod mixture has a deep rooting system and is disease resistant. Great for wear and tear and fast recovery. It can be used in Full sun areas and it adapts to mixed exposures. It’s a bright green color and stays green all year.

Dominant Penncross

Dominant Plus is a widely adaptable sod that withstands the humidity. It also has a great tolerance for the hot and cold climates. It is a dense sod with a beautiful dark green coloring. It prefers to be mowed extra short with a reel mower. Often used on gulf course.

Dominant Penncross - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Dominant Plus


Dominant Plus is a widely adaptable sod that withstands the humidity. It also has a great tolerance for the hot and cold climates. It is a dense sod with a beautiful dark green coloring. It prefers to be mowed extra short with a reel mower. Often used on gulf course.

Dominant Plus - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue with Bluegrass


Bolero Plus one of the finest blends fescue and bluegrass to ever reach retail. This fescue blue grass mixture is a stable of sod for almost any California lawn. This sod is expected to be in the majority of homes in the Bay Are in California due to its raving reviews, looks,durability to traffic, and conditions our area provides. 90%  Dwarf Fescue and 10% Bluegrass,  the addition of Bluegrass to this Dwarf Fescue  assures better density and a faster wear and tear recovery. This fescue winters better then most fescue and can take foot traffic though not for porting use. It has a great disease resistance and heat tolerance. Its great for moderate traffic areas. Its a beautiful darker green color. This is a softer nicer version of your local park grass, less scratchy but just as durable.

Bolero Plus Dwarf Fescue with Bluegrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Bolero Dwarf Fescue Seed


This mixture is 89.85% of the Bolero brand insignia tall fescue and 9.80% Arrowhead Kentucky Bluegrass.

Bolero Dwarf Fescue Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Dwarf Tall Fescue Enduro


Enduro fescue has for long time served the valley very well suiting the climates and extreme shifts in temperature. This sod roll is a darker green color, finer texture and lower growth while keeping the hardy nature and lower water needs that we all want from our lawns.

Dwarf Tall Fescue Enduro - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed

This is the commercial version used in the sod production.

Dwarf Tall Fescue Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Elite Plus sod lawn


Elite plus is a great fescue lawn made of 90% Dwarf Tall Fescue and 10% Kentucky bluegrass. This Dwarf Tall Fescue mixture is a slower growing fescue that requires fewer clippings, great for lawn owners who only want to mow four times a month. It’s a beautiful dark blue green that still maintains it’s color in the winter. Great for high foot traffic areas and sports. Will take well to pet use and full sun areas. Elite plus is one of our go to sod types for budget friendly projects that are still looking for water saving qualities and Water Star seal of approval. This mixture is very disease resistant leaving it to work well in areas with heavy water of areas that might not completely dry out. Boasting the cheapest price in our selection this fescue bluegrass sod mixture provides durability and a all year green lawn that can handle foot traffic and pets.

Elite Plus sod lawn - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue


Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue is a 90% Dwarf Tall Fescue and a 10% Bluegrass. it is most suitable for the central and northern coast of California. Enduro is able to repair itself in the high foot traffic areas, and provide a dark green color year round. It is drought tolerant and disease resistance. Prefers to be in full sun but can adapt to some shade, easily maintained. Best recommended for residential, parks, industrial and commercial areas with athletic fields.

Enduro Dwarf Tall Fescue - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Hillside Fine Fescue

West Coast Hillside Fine fescue is a mixture of Florentine GT Strong Creeping Red Fescues, Seabreeze GT Slender Creeping Red Fescue and Tiffany Chewings Fescue. It is a cool weathered, low maintenance sod. Because of the Florentine in the mixture there are rhizomes that help fill in the damaged areas from wear and tear. The growth and density comes from the Seabreeze that’s in the mixture, and the Tiffany “tillers” rapidly in the springtime giving the sod a strong quality. Because of these three fescues this mixture is a low growing, densed mixture. It also performs best in the sun but will moderately tolerate heavy shade. Hillside Fine Fescue can be left unmowed for the meadow look or be mowed. Best for landscapes and golf course roughs.

Hillside Fine Fescue - Bay Area Sod and Seed



Kurapia is all full coverage sod, that uses up to 60% less water. It is a low maintenance sod for areas that do not have a lot of foot traffic. Can be used versatilely on slopes, and ground. It is a natural pollinator and a  preventive in soil erosion, and suppressing weeds. Thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is a deep rooting sod that when properly irrigated it will require less water.

Kurapia - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Latitude 36 bermuda grass


The Latitude 36 is a new generation of a hybrid bermuda. It has a high leaf density and is a gorgeous dark green color with a spring green. its an excellent choice for the golf courses as it has an exceptional recovery from divots. The Latitude 36 has excellent resistance to drought and disease. Recovers exceptional to wear and tear. It is a bermuda which means it does go dormant in the winter. Prefers having full sun.

Latitude 36 bermuda grass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Lawn Food 25-3-6 lawn fertilizer


This product has the perfect blend to make your lawn satisfied with its meal. When it comes to turf thats already established its important to have a higher Nitrogen levels and lower Phosphate and Potash , this combo helps turf perk up again. Lawn Food is exactly what will make your Turf feel content with all the seasons.

Lawn Food 25-3-6 lawn fertilizer - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Mow Free


Mow Free is a combination of of Fine Fescues, it requires very little to no maintenance at all.  Its recommended for areas that get 40% or more of shade.It’s a blend of sheeps hard and creeping red fescue that can create a meadow-like look if left un-mowed.

Mow Free - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Mow Free lawn Seed


Mow Free or No Mow is a fine bladed fescue that you can grow out to 12-18 inches and will work well in areas that are heavily shaded or filtered light as well as direct sun.

This is the commercial version used in the sod production. There are no fillers or generic

Mow Free lawn Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

100% Bluegrass


100% Premium Blue grass a natural rhizome structure provides a quick healing and uniform growth. . It grows well in sandy or heavy soil, grows slowly so requires low maintenance. Bluegrass is not a deep rooted sod and requires a little higher of maintaining. It performs best in the cooler coastal and mountain areas of California. This sod works well with younger children since it can be less scratchy then traditional park style grasses. A great sod to suit our cool coastlines anywhere you want a nice lawn and soft texture.

100% Bluegrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

100% Rye grass (A)

100% Rye grass is a vigorous growing sod that has a beautiful dark green color year round. It’s a fine texture blade that thrives in the cool to warm climates. Has a speedy recovery from wear and tear. It has a high tolerate to disease and heat. Best suited in soils of the Northern California region. This will suit the Oakland hills homes with sun and shade very well also along Orinda, CA and Lafayette CA area.
100% Rye grass (A) - Bay Area Sod and Seed
Biofiltration Sod
This sod is a mixture of Purple needle-grass, Molate fescue, California barley, and Meadow barley. It is a versatile sod which means it can be maintained or left non moved if you’re looking for the meadow appearance. Also is excellent for slopes with it’s erosion control and stabilization .  The Bio filtration thrives in all soil types and is a combination of dry land and wetland species. Establishes with the cool weather environments and is great with drought tolerance along with limited amounts of standing water. This is a weed barrier sod.Bio filtration sod is one of a kind. Part of our Native selection this sod does best at filtering water and pollen’s and toxins from neighboring areas
Biofiltration Sod - Bay Area Sod and Seed
Blue grass Rye grass 80 20 lawn Seed


Our Blue grass Rye grass 80 20 seed lawn mixture is great at matching older lawns or more traditional lawn mixtures. Only the new lawn mixtures have a 90 10 percentage while older lawns have a 80 20 mixture we are happy to provide both.

Blue grass Rye grass 80 20 lawn Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Blue Rye 50/50

Blue Rye 50% Bluegrass Blend and 50% Premium Ryegrass Blend. Thrives in full sun areas. Great for wear and tear areas. Not good for heavily shaded areas. Its natural rhizome structure provides a quick healing and uniform growth. Its developed for Golf courses and sports fields. It grows well in sandy or heavy soil, grows slowly so requires low maintenance.

Blue Rye 50/50 - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Blue Rye 50/50 Seed


Our blue rye grass seed is a 50-50 mixture half Kentucky blue grass half rye grass. This mixture stays green all year and is a very soft to the touch lawn. Blue rye grass lawns are thin bladed giving the area a clean symmetrical feel. Great for young children due to the soft texture will leave your young ones loving the outdoors. This lawn can handle moderate foot traffic though will burn with dog urine.

Blue Rye 50/50 Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Blueridge Blue grass Rye grass mixture


Blueridge is a blend of Kentucky bluegrasss and perennial ryegrass, that is ideal for Northern California climate. it is a dense, lush sod that keeps it color year round when properly fertilized.With the ryegrass in the mixture it is durable and has better resistance to disease and shade. It is perfect for the high foot traffic areas that are used for sporting or playing activities. Blueridge is a grass that does very well in the cool season climates. Prefers full sun but will tolerate moderate shade areas.

Blueridge Blue grass Rye grass mixture - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Bolero Dwarf Fescue


Bolero sod is 100% Dwarf Fescue, it has a fine bluegrass like texture but with a thicker blade, hearty and luscious. This Dwarf Fescue is a slower growing fescue that requires  fewer clippings, great for lawn owners who only want to mow two times a month. It’s a beautiful dark green that still maintains it’s color in the winter. Great for high foot traffic areas. Bolero is a great option for anywhere with a active family or small pets.

Bolero Dwarf Fescue

Native Bent grass lawn


Native Bent grass turf works as a weed barrier sod that is made up of Agrostis Pallens. Its a sod that thrives in full sun or partial sun. Native Bent grass has an excellent wear recover because of the self-repairing rhizomes, but tolerates low foot traffic. It is an excellent drought tolerate Native blend. Though its mowing height is 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches it is low maintenance.

Native Bent grass lawn - Bay Area Sod and Seed]

Native Mow Free


This sod is a mixture of Idaho fescue, Molate fescues, and Western Mokelumne fescues. It is a versatile sod which means it can be maintained or left unmowed if you’re looking for the meadow appearance. Also is excellent for slopes in having erosion control.  The Native Mow Free is designed for areas that get up to 50% of shade daily. It has a fine leaf texture. Native Mow Free thrives in all soil types. Establishes well with the cool weather environments and is great with drought tolerance. Its a slower growing sod, so requires low maintenance.

Native Mow Free - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Native Preservation Mix


This sod is a mixture of Junegrass, Purple Needlegrass, Nodding Needlegrass, and Molate fescues. If you’re looking for the flow-like meadow grass with a gorgeous dark green color then this is the mixture for you. Also is excellent for slopes in having erosion control.  The Native Preservation Mix thrives in all soil types and prefers full sun, but will adapt to partial sun. Establishes well with the cool weather environments and is great with drought tolerance. Its a slower growing sod, so requires low maintenance.

Native Preservation Mix - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Non-Netted Blueridge sports turf


Non-Netted Blue-ridge is a blend of 50% Kentucky Bluegrass and 50% Perennial Rye-grass that is ideally for athletic fields.Much like the Blue-ridge the Non-Netted is dense,with a luscious appearance. With the rye-grass mixture in this sod has a higher wear and tear recovery, which is perfect for sport fields, playgrounds and parks where kids are constantly playing. This is a cooler season sod and should be seeded to keep the dense and recover from wear. Resisted to most diseases because of the rye-grass. Non-Netted Blue-ridge does prefer the sunny locations but will adapt to moderate shade areas.

Non-Netted Blueridge sports turf - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Penncross Bentgrass

Penncross Bentgrass is a perennial turf that has an aggressive lateral growth with a good tolerance to wear and tear. It is ideal for golf tees and putting greens, also lawns with sports activity. Penncross Bentgrass adapts to a wide variety of conditions. It has a rapid establishment with a spectacular dark green coloring.This grass requires a lot of maintenance. This sod you can cut short this is perfect for sporting applications due to how low you can cut the blades. Bentgrass can also be grown right next to other lawn making putting areas for your backyard a win win for both lawns.

Penncross Bentgrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Rye Blue


Rye Blue is a 90% Ryegrass with 10% Bluegrass mixture. Thrives in full sun areas. Great for wear and tear areas such as parks, schools and homes that have a lot of foot traffic. Not good for shaded areas or female dogs. It has a beautiful color even during the winter. Its developed for Golf courses and sports fields. It is excellent in close-cropping, and resisting diseases. The Bluegrass gives this sod extra durability.

Rye Blue - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Rye Blue grass seed 90 10

Rye Blue is 90% rye grass and 10 % blue grass seed. This mixture works well in shady areas and will give you the darkest green color for thin bladed mixtures.

Rye Blue work with patch work and over seeding when applied correctly. Can even be used to seed a lawn from scratch!

Rye Blue grass seed 90 10 - Bay Area Sod and Seed


Ryegrass is 100% premium ryegrass blend. Thrives in full sun areas. Great for wear and tear areas such as parks, schools and homes that have a lot of foot traffic. Not good for shaded areas or female dogs. It has a beautiful color even during the winter. Its developed for Golf courses and sports fields. It is excellent in close-cropping, and resisting diseases.

Ryegrass - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Shade Blend

Shade Blend is a heat tolerant tall fescues combined with shade loving fine fescues that help sod grow in shaded areas as long as its not more than 50% shade. Its recommended for moderate traffic areas. It has a great drought tolerance of 8 out of 10 ratings. Just because the name is shade blend doesn’t mean its only good for shaded area, its also good for full sun as well.

Shade Blend - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Shade Blend Fescue Seed

Shade blend is  durable mixture of fescues that will keep your lawn looking full thick and ready for play.

10 LBS covers 1000-2000 Square feet

25 LBS covers 2500-5000 Square feet

Shade Blend Fescue Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

West Coast 80-10-10 West coaster mix


Great for high foot traffic areas.

West Coast 80-10-10 West coaster mix - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Tifway II


Tifway II is a dense hybrid bermuda much similar to the Tifway 419. It is ideal for the athletic fields that have a higher foot traffic. It has a quick recovery from wear and tear. Tifway II thrives in full sun. it is a bermuda hybrid so it does go dormant in the winter time. Though its shade tolerance is low the mixture has a high tolerance to drought and heat and is disease resistant.

Tifway II - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Tifway 419


Tifway 419 is a dense hybrid bermuda. It is ideal for the athletic fields that have a higher foot traffic. It has a quick recovery from wear and tear. Tifway 419 thrives in full sun. it is a bermuda hybrid so it does go dormant in the winter time. Though its shade tolerance is low the mixture has a high tolerance to drought and heat and is disease resistant.

Tifway 419 - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Tall Fescue 90/10 Seed

Tall Fescue-90 Tall fescue/10 Bluegrass-is our number seller due to its high foot traffic tolerance and its tolerance to both Male and Female dogs. Drought tolerant, deep roots, disease resistant, great wear and tear recovery. It can be use in Full sun areas and it adapts to shade as well. It’s a brighter green color and winters well.

Tall Fescue 90/10 Seed - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer


When it comes to getting a healthy lawn Sod and Seed  starter is essential! In order to ensure sod will thrive you need these.

  • Nitrogen(8) -this help aide in blade development
  • Phosphate(16) -is what helps the roots to expand down into the soil and help it establish
  • Potash(16)- helps provide energy to the roots to help with establishing, also helps sod durability                                                                           

Sod and Seed Starter Fertilizer - Bay Area Sod and Seed

Welcome to Sod and Seed!

Welcome to Sod and Seed your local Northern California based lawn delivery company. We provide high quality sod blends, turf lawns, turf rolls, and alternative lawn covering options at wholesale prices. We make sure to find you the best sod for your lawn or wedding area depending on conditions and questions our staff will ask. With over 25 blends to choose from and 20 years of sod know how  Sod and Seed can help you decide which blend fits you and your household. Our goal is to help you find the lawn materials that fit your landscaping needs. Depending upon conditions such as  Sun light, traffic, coverage, the local climate environment, and pets we will find something that is sure to impress. Our office is staffed six days a week with multiple professionals from estimators to sales agents that can always help answer a question in person or help match a sod. Our office is located at 3518 Clayton rd Concord, CA 94520 and our number is 925-435-7874 or 925-594-3451 for text message questions or pictures to match sod types.  We specialize in  replacing lawns and making sure we help you find what suits your budget and needs.

Sod and Seed INC services the majority of California for delivery and the San Francisco Bay Area for sod delivery and sod lawn installation. Our staff can offer you an estimate over the phone for sod delivery and can also begin a quote with enough information on different options for lawn construction. We are happy to send out an estimator to help with your needs or questions when finding the right type of lawn and design. Our staff strive to provide the best service with all our work and are available for emailing at sodandseed@gmail.com


Kurapia is a NEW drought tolerant and low maintenance turf alternative natural ground cover sod in California, Arizona and Nevada. Once established, it requires less maintenance and needs less water than cool and warm season turf grasses.

Establishment takes approximately 21-30 days (March-September) and requires regular irrigation. Once established, Kurapia’s water requirement can be maintained aesthetically at 50% of the evapotranspiration versus 80% for cool season fescue.

It has thick, dense growth, and is a flowering live plant.  It can be mowed for a more manicured look, or left natural (it grows to about 1″).  Kurapia maintains green year around in most locations in California except high elevation areas.

Kurapia’s sturdy structure makes it ideal for many uses such as covering lawn type areas, highway and freeway shoulders, rooftops, public utility areas, commercial properties, and landscape areas.  It can tolerate light foot traffic, but is not recommended for heavy traffic areas like playgrounds or sports fields.

Kurapia grows close to the ground and rarely exceeds one inch high.  Kurapia is a great option where you need a ground cover that won’t regularly get irrigated.  It is perfect for those strips between sidewalks and road ways or in medians.  Or, if you want a unique look different from your neighbor’s lawn, Kurapia is for you!


Curari Groundcover Large Image

Delta Grassland Mix

A premium soft grass Native that is composed of Junegrass, Slender hairgrass and Molate fescues. It has an emerald green color that tolerates moderate wear, when placed in roof top gardens or ornamental gardens it gives off an European look. The Grassland Mix is a slow growing clumping grass that persists under drought conditions and prefers partial shade to full sun.

The mowing height for Delta Grassland Mix is 4 -6 inches or it can be left unmowed. Watering the first 2 weeks should occur 4 -6 times a day for 5 -6 minutes. Once established you should water 3 -4 times a day for 5 minutes.

Load image into Gallery viewer, Delta Grassland Mix - Native Lawn Delivery


Kurapia is all full coverage sod, that uses up to 60% less water. It is a low maintenance sod for areas that do not have a lot of foot traffic. Can be used versatilely on slopes, and ground. It is a natural pollinator and a  preventive in soil erosion, and suppressing weeds. Thrives in full sun to partial shade. It is a deep rooting sod that when properly irrigated it will require less water. Does not require a lot of mowing but once or twice a month, unless you are looking for that natural ground cover look then it does not require mowing. Prevents spreading by reseeding. Mowing the Kurapia usually only occurs once or twice a month. When watering after laying down the kurapia, for the first two weeks you want to water 2 – 4 times a day for 15 -20 minutes. Weeks 3 – 6 water 1 -2 times a day for 15 to 20 minutes. After it is established you want to water 1 -2 times a weeks for 20 minutes total.

There is no seed available for this plant it is patented and created sterile ni japan meaning you can not create seed from it.